conservation in a sentence

Example Sentences for "conservation"

Mort Sahl once joked that a conservative is someone who believes in reform - but not now.

Martin Luther King Jr. once remarked that when you are right, you cannot be too radical, but when you are wrong, you cannot be too conservative.

Dolphins jump out of the water to conserve energy; it is easier to move through the air than through the water.

Eighteen national parks have been established in Zambia to conserve different ecosystems and their wildlife.

Ariel Durant once suggested that the conservative who resists change is as valuable as the radical who proposes it.

In December of 1973, the British government introduced a three-day work week in order to conserve energy during a miners' strike.

Bhutan, China, India, Nepal, Vietnam, Indonesia, the Philippines, and other nations of Asia and the Pacific are making substantial commitments to conserving their natural resources.

If we can conserve the broadest variety of the world's habitats, we will conserve the life within these places.

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