consent in a sentence

Example Sentences for "consent"

Democratic government is based on the consent of the governed and represents an attempt to make authority accountable to the people.

There is a Berber proverb which states that silence is the door of consent.

There is a Spanish proverb which notes that a friendly refusal is better than unwilling consent.

In 1994, the British government voted overwhelmingly to reduce the age of consent for homosexual men from 21 to 18.

The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses.

Lord Mahavir once stated that a wise person does not kill, nor cause others to kill, nor consent to the killings by others.

Unless a woman clearly consents to having sex, it will be considered rape.

Discussion question: Do you think a girl under the age of 16 should be required to have her parents' consent in order to get birth control pills?

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English words and Examples of use

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