compromise in a sentence

Example Sentences for "compromise"

The union is warning that if a compromise cannot be reached during today's talks, there will be a strike.

The Princess was photographed in a compromising position with her former lover.

The party must not compromise its ideals on this issue.

We are trying to teach our children that they sometimes need to make compromises with their friends when they both want different things.

Ludwig Erhard once said that a compromise is the art of dividing a cake in such a way that everyone believes he has the biggest piece.

Phyllis McGinley once said that compromise is what makes nations great, and marriages happy.

Someone once stated that peace won by the compromise of principles is a short-lived achievement.

A wise man once observed that many things are worse than defeat, and compromise with evil is one of them.

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English words and Examples of use

Example sentences with the compromise, a sentence example for compromise, and how to make compromise in sample sentence, how do I use the word compromise in a sentence? How do you spell compromise in a sentence? spelling of compromise

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