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use "precise" in a sentence

You need to be more precise in telling us what the problem is if you want us to help you.

The earthquake occurred at precisely 9:02 this morning.

She carved the turkey with the precision of a surgeon.

No one knows precisely how many immigrants to our country end up

returning to their homeland.

The meeting began at precisely 3:00.

I can't remember precisely when I saw her, but it wasn't very long ago.

His measurements were somewhat imprecise, so we had to do them over again.

Writer John Cheever once said, "I can't write without a

reader. It's precisely like a kiss; you can't do it alone."

Tycho Brahe accumulated 20 years of precise measurements of the positions of the Earth, moon and sun.

Without using precision instruments, a Greek mathematician measured the radius of earth in the third century B.C., and

came within 1 percent of the value determined by today's technology.

You need to be a little more precise in your measurements because the walls of your birdhouse don't fit together very well.

Captain Cook visited Tahiti four times between 1769 and 1777, and drew a precise map of the island.

A Japanese proverb observes that it is precisely the uncertainty of this world that makes life worth living.

Many living creatures are very precisely adapted to particular ways of life.

The price we quoted you is somewhat imprecise at the moment because you haven't given us all the information we need.

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The word precise sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the precise, a sentence example for precise, and how to make precise in sample sentence, how do I use the word precisein a sentence?spell precise in a sentence? spelling of precisew