climate change in a sentence

English words and Examples of use

Example Sentences for "climate change"

Critical areas of human impact Food security Climate change reduces food security - especially in the poorest parts of the world where hunger is already an issue.

Writers such as James Heartfield have asserted the existence of a profound anti-humanism in much green thinking, especially that surrounding climate change.

In 2000 the name of IUFRO was changed to "International Union of Forest Research Organizations.� More recently this organization has stated that forests are under increasing degrees of stress as a result of climate change.

Ice-shelf collapse, climate change, and habitat loss in the Canadian high Arctic.

Migration and climate change It seems that global warming has caused an increase of migratory butterflies and moths that reach north-western countries like the Netherlands, Belgium and the United Kingdom.

GMES should allow them to prepare national, European and international legislation on environmental matters (including climate change) and to monitor the implementation of this legislation.

Global climate change will increase both the intensity of the waves that crash onto Washington's coast line and the height of the waves.

This Information Request has encouraged thousands of corporations to engage in climate change issues for the first time.

Stern Review of the Economics of Climate Change.

In 2006, A��k Radyo organized a thematic collective exhibition titled "NaturMort� (Still-ed Life), to draw attention to the issue of global climate change.

Sea level and temperature rises are the most likely major climate change-related stresses on ecosystems.

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Example sentences with the climate change, a sentence example for climate change, and how to make climate change in sample sentence, how do I use the word climate change in a sentence? How do you spell climate change in a sentence? spelling of climate change

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