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extremely in a sentence

The nicotine in cigarettes is extremely toxic, and has been classified as the most addictive drug in existence.

The definition of a hate crime is somewhat ambiguous, which makes it extremely difficult to enforce the law.

Weather is said to be an extremely important aspect of a Canadian's life.

Due to observer bias, it is extremely difficult to obtain accurate and objective observations.

Margaret's behavior was extremely bizarre, and no one could understand her.

Monaco is not a budget destination for travelers as prices tend to be extremely high.

Leopard camouflage makes them extremely difficult to see on the ground.

Reliability is a characteristic which employers consider extremely important.

The nicotine in cigarettes is extremely toxic, and has been classified as the most addictive drug in existence.

He is an extremely right-wing politician whose constituency consists of racists and neo-nazis.

The people of Madagascar are extremely courteous, and generally will not speak too loudly.

Women's groups are extremely upset at the frequent depiction of women as sex objects in music videos.

Margaret's behavior was extremely deviant and bizarre, and she constantly upset the people closest to her.

My wife and I have extremely different views of spirituality.

The ecosystem is this area is extremely fragile because it is so small and so specialized.

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- Example Sentences for extremely

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