banquet in a sentence

banquet meaning:

n.) A feast; a sumptuous entertainment of eating and drinking; often, a complimentary or ceremonious feast, followed by speeches.

A banquet was held in her honour.

They held a congratulatory banquet.

They regaled me on a Chinese banquet.

I am glad to preside at this banquet.

He mentioned the matter of the banquet.

The banquet was attended by 200 guests.

The whole of the banquet scene is mimed.

They held a banquet of epic proportions.

Everything you cook for me is a banquet.

I remember him at a banquet on that night.

He celebrated his birthday with a banquet.

We had a banquet, which ended up with soup.

We should get some wine in for the banquet.

They disposed of all the food for the banquet.

The meal that followed was a veritable banquet.

The kitchens are preparing for a lavish banquet.

Do we have to wear evening dress for the banquet?

He is in the person of his father for the banquet.

The Lord Mayor attended a state banquet last night.

In banquet halls folding partitions are very popular.

They commemorated their victories with a grand banquet.

At the banquet all the foreign guests wore evening dress.

The banquet gave the chef a chance to flaunt his talents.

The banquet is permeated with an atmosphere of friendship.

She disgraced herself by drinking too much at the banquet.

He was suddenly taken ill at a banquet given in his honour.

The banquet was permeated with an atmosphere of friendship.

The president was guest of honour at the society’s banquet.

At the banquet we chin – chinned and tried to look cheerful.

Last night he attended a state banquet at Buckingham Palace.

The ambassador is giving a banquet for the visiting president.

I want to mention the release of our new software edition at the banquet.