banjo in a sentence

Banjo meaning:

a musical instrument with a circular body covered with skin, a long fretted neck, and four or five strings that are plucked or strummed.

He picked some notes on his banjo.

He could hear the thrum of a banjo.

Never ask a bard to play the banjo.

Mulcahey put his banjo on his chair.

Soon, Banjo comes back empty-handed.

Yao is not a cowboy or a banjo lover.

One of the minstrels strummed his banjo.

Fleck has transcribed Bach for the banjo.

Before he began to play, Harry tuned up his banjo.

Mulcahey strummed his banjo and tapped the castanet again.

His virtuosity on a $ 5 , 000 banjo won consistent applause.

Nate, Gotler, Connors, and Banjo each got a ten-foot space along the other side.

Banjo is no great reasoner where affection enters , but shrewd enough without it.

Banjo folded his arms across the front of his Mac West, scowling, not looking at Connors.

A grandfatherly figure puffs on a sousaphone to the accompaniment of drums and banjo.Connors and Banjo sat jammed together on the bench beside me.