Banana in a sentence

Banana Meaning:

a long, curved, soft fruit with a thick yellow skin.

Cut the banana in half lengthways.

A plantain is similar to a banana.

A green banana is not ripe enough to eat.

I found the banana on a steep mountain road.

The plantain is a large cousin of the banana.

We jolted along rough wet roads through an endless banana plantation.

There were banana gardens and pawpaw trees, and outriggers lazed on the lagoon.

The Banana Tree Once upon a time, there was a single banana tree in the jungle.

Occasionally I saw clearings on the sides of the hills where banana trees grew.

Beauty was everywhere. Large palms and banana trees lined the roads and hamlets.

It sang in a sweet trembling voice about a yellow bird up high in a banana tree.

A hailstone hit the county on Monday, and caused losses to the banana production.

Putting even more tax on fuel could prove to be a banana skin for the government.

Two 2 separate diseases are destroying banana and planten plantain crops in Africa.

Little tin shacks and round huts are scattered across the hills between the banana trees.

The enamel has peeled off the taps like so much banana skin, revealing dull, patchy brass.

Two seperate 2 separate diseases are destroying banana and plant plantain crops in Africa.

Also on exhibit are a number of interesting crop plants such as sugar cane and banana.Banana, grape, apple, daisy which of these is the odd one out?