Someone once joked that an alarm clock is a device for awakening people who don’t have small children.
The Buddha once said, “Your body is precious.
It is our vehicle for awakening.
Treat it with care.
As much as 6 percent of the world’s population may experience sleep paralysis, the inability to move and speak for several minutes after awakening.
In many other countries, the left is slowly awakening from its deep slumber.
I speak in the name of the black millions, Hughes wrote, “awakening to action.”
City leaders are awakening to the challengers and the opportunities before them.
Ladies and Gentlemen, We are awakening the sleeping Giant among the Bahamian islands.
Some have proclaimed the awakening of Wi-Fi to be a moment of panic on Google’s part.
At least six soldiers were killed, a source from the militia, known as Sahwa (awakening), said.
What’s with this “school-kid chic” costume trend, also shared by Broadway’s “Spring awakening”?
The crucial force behind this change has been the universal awakening among the younger generation.
Add the oil market’s crude awakening to the mix and the corporate earnings picture gets even uglier.