right hand in a sentence 1) The right hand part is color coded green. 2) The right hand scale divisions…
left hand in a sentence 1) The left hand bass part is color coded red. 2) His left hand technique…
adversely affect in a sentence 1) The dispute has adversely affected statistical education. 2) Fight controversy may adversely affect his…
local economy in a sentence 1) This is an important driving force behind local economy . 2) A viable golf…
highly dependent in a sentence 1) We are highly dependent on information technology. 2) Many developing countries are highly dependent…
oxide layer in a sentence 1) Different oxide layers are developed during the sliding motion. 2) Proper thickness of the…
I hid myself under the bed. He hid his toys under the bed. Children found Christmas presents hidden under the…
go after in a sentence 1) Enemy destroyers kept going after certain hits had been scored. 2) The company is…
medical treatment in a sentence 1) The injured victims are receiving medical treatment . 2) This is why immediate medical…
potential effect in a sentence 1) A swift and transparent adjudication process should mitigate this potential effect . 2) Potential…
female labour in a sentence 1) The rifles were assembled centrally using mainly female labour . 2) A life cycle…
would be made in a sentence 1) Transportation officials said no official announcement would be made until today. 2) A…