The district geology is primarily river born alluvium .
The upper layers of soil are more recent alluvium .
The soils are developed on freshwater alluvium .
The valley floor consists of alluvium brought down by modern streams.
alluvium Material which has been transported by river and deposited.
alluvium is soil that has been deposited by rivers or flowing water.
Yanam’s soil has alluvium consisting of sand clay and gravel.
Further downstream there is stratified drift and alluvium in the sediments.
It is Deep- Medium black coastal alluvium .
The alluvium provided fertile agricultural land and the river itself stocks of fish.
Yogos were ultimately traced from the alluvium to their source.
Thick mantle of alluvium is the dominant soil of the terrain.
Besides, a bullet train on unstable marine alluvium is an engineering nightmare.
The base of the Kilmersdon Valley is of alluvium deposits.
An old conservative politician described it as a ‘zoological alluvium ‘.
The parent materials for soils in the Carrizo plains are predominantly alluvium deposits.
Farther to the east and bordering the River Mersey is recent alluvium .
A recent geological formation, Carabane consists of a shoal and alluvium .
West Bay is sited on deposits of river alluvium that indicate a former estuary.
The Afon Lliw is dominated by alluvium deposits.
The older alluvium called bhangar, forms slightly elevated terraces usually above the flood levels.
Similarly Romney Marsh and Dungeness have been formed by accumulation of alluvium .
Quezon s underlain with sedimentary rock formations the dominant being recent depositions of alluvium .
The alluvium which is found in the Indo-Gangetic plain belongs to this era.
Long broken ridges with irregular patches of more recent alluvium have marks of seasonal cultivation.
This range has a densely forested skirt of coarse alluvium called the “bhabhar”.
The appellation has a range of gravel, alluvium , clay and limestone soils.
The beds covered with alluvium contains seams of coal belonging to the Raniganj system.
The alluvium has developed because of the saltwater streams that cut across the shoal.
Khaddar or newer alluvium is confined to the river channels and their flood plains.
These materials are largely stream and valley alluvium , with artificial fill in some areas.
Düsseldorf is built entirely on alluvium , mud, sand, clay and occasionally gravel.
The alluvium which forms the soil is highly fertile once fresh water plants start to grow.
The soil consists of several metres of alluvium or silt deposited by the Seine.
The land of the upazila is composed of alluvium soil of the Pleistocene period.
There are two types of soil formed from the alluvium of the Red River.
Most settlements in ancient Egypt were situated on the alluvium of the Nile floodplain.
These soils are well-drained, moderately coarse textured soils derived from alluvium from granitic rock.
Much of the Plunketts Creek valley is composed of various glacial deposits, chiefly alluvium .
It consists of sandy alluvium more or less coloured with pebbles consisting mainly of siliceous rocks.