
English words and Examples of Usage

use "bail out" in a sentence

We had to bail out the canoe a few times because there was a bit of a leak in it.

If consumers get mad enough, they can bail out of Amazon altogether and buy their books at Barnes & Noble Online, which as yet does not have purchase circles.

it's mostly a rental audience, because renting saves money not only on the unit price of viewing but also on parking, babysitting, and other incidental costs associated with going out, perhaps most important of all, the rental audience knows it can bail out with greater ease if the movie in question proves unwatchable.

The USAT "Money" front reports an apparent consequence of not much bang for the TV advertising bucks spent by dot-coms over the Christmas holiday: Dot-com advertisers are starting to bail out of Super Bowl ad placements.

The International Monetary Fund must bail out banks when their failure might spur a worldwide depression (as in Asia).

Conservatives hailed the rough consensus on stock investment as a "paradigm shift," while critics warned of leeching by Wall Street brokers and asked whether the government will bail out retirees who lose their savings because of market volatility.

2) It must bail out Russia soon enough to avert collapse but not before Russia delivers the politically painful tax, spending, and legal reforms necessary for its long-term health.

A front-page NYT story says the International Monetary Fund has agreed to bail out the ailing South Korean economy.

9, the Global Hilton balloon burst a helium tank 70 minutes after takeoff, and Dick Rutan and his co-pilot were forced to bail out at 11,000 feet.

In a more honest world, it wouldn't be tacky for titans of industry to say they're leaving to pursue a fully deployed golden parachute as they bail out.

The goal is not to bail out failing Korean enterprises but to keep enterprises from failing only because of a panicky flight from the won and the fall in its value.

, which assumed the 70 kilogram male body as the human norm and left them totally ignorant of female health problems, the way training in elite specialties like neurosurgery still promotes a specific kind of cowboy bravado, which encourages women to bail out for gynecology.

His wife really does not understand him, and he swears that if it weren't for his young children he would bail out in a heartbeat.

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