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Use write down in a sentence - Example Sentences for write down


You'd better write down the appointment in your agenda, or you'll probably forget.

Please write down my address.

I was unable to write down the number of the car.

You should write down whatever seems to be important.

Please write down his words.

He tried to write down everything the teacher said.

Could I write down your name, address and phone number, for the insurance company?

I must write down his address before I forget it.

Write down his phone number before you forget.

Write down the name in case you forget it.

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The word write down

Example sentences with the write down, a sentence example for write down, and how to make write down in sample sentence, Synonyms and Collocations for write down how do I use the word write down in a sentence? How do you spell write down in a sentence? spelling of write down

The word usage examples above have been gathered from various free and GNU sources to reflect current and historical usage. They do not represent the opinions of