
English words and Examples of Usage

use "bottled up" in a sentence

And although everybody notes that President Clinton signed the treaty two years ago, it's the LAT that explains where it's been since then: bottled up in Sen.

The Chemical Weapons Convention, signed by roughly the entire civilized world, awaits Senate ratification and is bottled up in Helms' committee.

The therapeutic culture of the present era also probably plays a role, teaching us that it's not healthy to keep one's pain bottled up inside.

Currituck Sound, at the northeastern corner of North Carolina, has been so bottled up by the Bayne law of New York [Page 65] State that Currituck's greatest market has been cut off.

You see, my lord, Mrs. Ellis has bottled up her words(1079) till they sparkle at last! May we meet in our dreams by the fountain of Merlin, and from thence take our flight with Astolpho to the moon; for I shrewdly suspect the best part of our senses are bottled up there; and then, you know, it will be a delightful novelty to wake up with a clear understanding. "Indeed, Sir, no Monsieur comme il faut, ever left Spa in such dudgeon before, unless jilted by a Polish princess, or stripped by an itinerant Count! Atheistic science babbles poorly of it, with scientific nomenclatures, experiments and what not, as if it were a poor dead thing, to be bottled up in Leyden jars and sold over counters: but the natural sense of man, in all times, if he will honestly apply his sense, proclaims it to be a living thing,-ah, an unspeakable, godlike thing; towards which the best attitude for us, after never so much science, is awe, devout prostration and humility of soul; worship if not in words, then in silence.

I look upon him as a animal himself.' Following up this opinion with a shrug that seemed meant to say, 'we can't expect everybody to be like us,' John put his pipe into his mouth again, and smoked like one who felt his superiority over the general run of mankind. 'That chap, sir,' said John, taking it out again after a time, and pointing at him with the stem, 'though he's got all his faculties about him-bottled up and corked down, if I may say so, somewheres or another-' 'Very good!' said Parkes, nodding his head. 'A very good expression, Johnny.

You're in twig to-night, I see.' 'Take care,' said Mr Willet, not at all grateful for the compliment, 'that I don't tackle you, sir, which I shall certainly endeavour to do, if you interrupt me when I'm making observations.-That chap, I was a saying, though he has all his faculties about him, somewheres or another, bottled up and corked down, has no more imagination than Barnaby has.

Well, what was I saying? - she put on me just in the same way and come between me and the servant-girl and the men, and when I told them to go and do one thing, went and told them to do another, and I was young, and I thought when I was married I was going to be mistress, and she called me ‘a chit’ to her brother, and I mind one day I went upstairs and fell on my knees and cried till I thought my heart would break, and I said, ‘O my God, when will it please Thee to take that woman to Thyself!’ Now to wish anybody dead is bad enough, but to ask the Lord to take ’em is awful; but then it was so hard to bear ’cause I couldn’t say nothing about it, and I’m one of them as can’t keep myself bottled up like ginger-beer.

Not burnt ones, for if so it would not burn again; but you may have read how the makers of charcoal take wood and bake it without letting it burn, and then it turns black and will afterwards make a very good fire; and so you will see that it is probable that our piece of coal is made of plants which have been baked and altered, but which have still much sunbeam strength bottled up in them, which can be set free as they burn.

Besides, it can't be good to keep a lot of questions bottled up inside you.

They're all bottled up against the drawing-room window.

But the mind can't handle these so it has to imprison religious experience in some way, get it bottled up.

Richard feared his forces being bottled up in Acre, as he believed his campaign could not advance with the prisoners in train.

Due to the long time he spent bottled up in the outer Vestibule (architecture) he also meets some people from the future of 1976, such a space shuttle pilot.

The bill was reported out of the Judiciary Committee in November 1963, and referred to the United States House Committee on Rules, whose chairman, Howard W. Smith, a Democrat from Virginia, indicated his intention to keep the bill bottled up indefinitely.

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