ever since in a sentence

ever since in a sentence

1) My life has been totally different ever since .

2) That conclusion has been challenged ever since .

3) The same building has been used ever since .

ever since example sentences

4) That support has been consistent ever since .

5) His brake has been set ever since .

6) The process has been used successfully ever since .

7) The program has advanced yearly ever since .

8) Her hearing has been great ever since .

9) The ceremony has been broadcast ever since .

10) He has been doing both ever since .

11) The facility has been empty ever since .

12) The standard has been sinking ever since .

13) The gap has been widening ever since .

14) That decision has been discussed ever since .

15) The site has hosted cricket matches ever since .


example sentences with ever since

16) This game has been played annually ever since .

17) The medal has been awarded annually ever since .

18) The private sector has grown ever since .

19) It has been progressively expanded ever since .

20) The mill has run continuously ever since .

21) It has been frequently revived ever since .

22) That preferential system has essentially applied ever since .

23) This scoring system has been used ever since .

24) The volcano has been dormant ever since .

25) My phone has been working great ever since .

26) The duo has been working together ever since .

27) This close relationship has been kept ever since .

28) He has been sailing and fishing ever since .


How to use ever since in a sentence

29) All her bowel motions had been normal ever since .

30) I have been happily married ever since .

31) I have been cancer free ever since .

32) She has been writing it down ever since .

33) It has enjoyed a steadily increasing reputation ever since .

34) Humanity has been blaming each other ever since .

35) We got along and dating ever since .

36) It began 1982 and has been meeting regularly ever since .

37) Hearing loss has plagued him ever since .

38) Less distinguished travelers have been admiring such places ever since .

39) This unforgettable experience has influenced my outlook ever since .

40) The melting pot has been a richly ambiguous symbol ever since .