Cars are indispensable to suburban life.
The film is an interesting and amusing portrait of suburban American life in the 1970s.
My once rebellious friends have gotten married and now live in a townhouse in an upscale suburban neighborhood.
Bertrand Russell once said that the place of the father in the modern suburban family is a very small one, particularly if he plays golf.
The area of Greater Tokyo, including the suburban prefectures of Saitama, Chiba and Kanagawa, contains over 25% of Japan’s total population.
A military bomb squad was called to a suburban shopping mall today after an anonymous phone call was made to a radio station claiming a bomb had been planted in a department store there.
The move toward embracing diversity in suburban areas has been growing.
Officials say that rabies can occur in rural, suburban and urban areas.
But the brand still has widespread recognition across suburban Maryland.
Life at the suburban shelter Arias is adapting to life back at the shelter.
She was studying for a semester at Strate College of Design in suburban Paris.
The 69-year-old has now waged a legal battle against the suburban New York town.
The two cars rest smoking and crumpled in the middle of a suburban intersection.
The Days live in suburban Columbus and have attended Cleveland games in the past.
He gave voice to the suburban kids like me who were filled with dreams and doubts.
I stopped by Fox’s office recently, on the second floor of his suburban Boston home.
Abdul-Rasheed, of suburban Columbus, had a court-documented history of mental illness.
Tracey Chancellor is a single mom who works long hours at a cafe in suburban Virginia.
471614 Many of the homes are also in quiet, suburban areas where there are few witnesses.
Now it’s more about suburban values – you have a good school system, cool social prograMs.
Former suburban Philadelphia prosecutor Bruce Castor declined a decade ago to bring charges.
Karen, a middle-aged secretary, hovers on a pavement in a suburban street, looking uncertain.
Married in 2012, he and Jolivet were raising their two small children in suburban Courbevoie.
And visitors can now get multi-day passes that work on subways, buses and suburban train lines.
The suburban Milwaukee teens are each charged with attempted first-degree intentional homicide.
The milieu of suburban teenage life that they explored decades ago has defined the genre since.
She was convicted in a February 1997 murder plot that targeted her husband in suburban Atlanta.
That history came as news to officials at Jack M. Barrack Hebrew Academy in suburban Bryn Mawr.
Is she just a suburban mom with a heart of gold, or a conniving ex stripper with a heart of stone?
Patel was visiting relatives when police were called to a suburban neighborhood where he was walking.
Their marriage has run aground on the rocky coastline of middle-aged suburban boredom.