shamble shambles in a sentence

1- This is another reason why the coalition are in total shambles .

2- My whole leg was in shambles with knots last month.

3- The entire coastline and countless lives were left in shambles .

4- Romero’s zombies are slow and shambling .

5- She catches sight of a shadowy figure shambling toward the lodge!

6- The flock of sheep had panicked into a shambling run.

7- Apparently satisfied, he shambled off towards his bed.

8- This student loans scheme has degenerated into open shambles .

9- Space ships, sea creatures, and shambling undead!

10- The Call of Duty developer was left in shambles .

11- The similarity now is the unmitigated shambles both clubs have become.

12- Cornelius shambled over and sat down noisily.

13- Farce , shambles and humiliating spring to mind.

14- I wake them up and we shamble along towards the Customs.

15- The giant wombat releases David and shambles offstage to much applause.

16- Yorick shambled backwards out of the room.

17- The poet Ampleforth shambled into the cell.

18- Utter shambles , said one Tory candidate.

19- The huddled figure shambled alongside the yew hedge towards the wicket gate.

20- With a resentful grunt, Aziz shambled off into the school.

21- The Byzantine aristocratic theory, though in shambles , pleased Ottoman rulers.

22- The spell apparently backfires, resulting in a shambling , rotting corpse.

23- The rehearsal is left in shambles .

24- When we shamble inside I see we have a new dragon.

25- Doyle shambled up the path, the little dogs trotting beside him.

26- Fact is : the housing is quickly run down to shambles and ghettos.

27- Eventually this great shambling hulk of a beast turned tailed and fled.

28- Distance had not helped the shambling man in the marketplace in Garoua.

29- He shambled to his feet and glared at her balefully.

30- Presently both passenger and goods trains are in shambles while vandalism has worsened the situation.

31- The silhouette of a small man in German uniform came shambling along the wire.

32- Could it animate human corpses to shamble about while lacking in intelligence or consciousness?

33- He experienced a considerable longing for a whole life of shambles and baked beans.

34- He climbed from the bed and shambled over to the dressing-table mirror.

35- Upon arriving Spencer finds the area in shambles with Brubaker’s forces dead.

36- Spock’s physical movements have a slightly awkward, even mechanical, shambling quality.

37- Meanwhile Zombicide continues to shamble on strongly whilst X-Wing has recently flown in.

38- Then he shambled in and sat down on the sofa beside Aunty Nan.

39- People turned to look after him, so uncouth was his shambling figure.

40- The old Chinese now came shambling from the kitchen, agog to hear everything.