He's not talking theory.
Rest one's theory on facts.
I can't accept this theory.
His theory is based on fact.
He developed his own theory.
I cannot follow your theory.
He adhered to his own theory.
These facts negate your theory.
Unscramble the words Game
Your plan sounds fine in theory.
His theory deserves consideration.
He applied his theory to his case.
His theory was not new in essence.
In theory, the scheme sounds fine.
His theory was totally impractical.
He applied this theory to his case.
I was forced to support his theory.
-Get Unscramble exercise
Theory should consist with practice.
He applied his theory to some cases.
In theory I'm on call day and night.
The theory is of limited usefulness.
He illustrated the theory with facts.
I can't find any holes in his theory.
He said most of my theory is eyewash.
Do these results validate his theory?
Sentence Make Game
A theory must be followed by practice.
They are crying down Tom's new theory.
This is not just some fanciful theory.
Theory without practice will be no use.
We must integrate theory with practice.
What is the Stem Cell Theory of Renewal?
His theory is based on careful research.
He illustrated his theory with diagrams.
Sentence Make Game
He illustrated his theory with examples.
You should combine theory with practice.
It was a theory unsupported by evidence.
The hackneyed theory governed that time.
This new theory passes my comprehension.
We should confront theory with practice.
His new theory is beyond my apprehension.
It is difficult to understand his theory.
_ad5_Do you agree to the wave theory of light?
A recent book has demolished this theory.
They opposed Darwin's theory of evolution.
Practice must go hand in hand with theory.
The optic theory originated with Einstein.
This theory is not borne out by the facts.
I subscribe wholeheartedly to this theory.
One was the so-called steady state theory.
_ad6_Theory and practice should go hand in hand.
The theory was advanced by the great Lenin.
These new facts make the theory improbable.
This theory seems to have no basis in fact.
We won't belabor the theory and background.
It sounds fine in theory, but will it work?
We can hardly settle things by theory alone.
adjustingI accommodate statistics to theory.
_ad7_At length, he came to understand the theory.
The biologist advanced a new theory of life.
Charles Darwin's theory of organic evolution.
We decided to test the theory experimentally.
In theory, basketball is a non-contact sport.
Theory and practice do not always go together.
Point Countable Covers and the Theory of Maps.
Her theory was quoted without acknowledgement.
_ad8_She supports her theory with copious evidence.
The theory bears little relevance to practice.
It is out of the question to digest his theory.
In theory it was mainly a public relations job.
The new theory has been partially corroborated.
Later,findings verified the scientist's theory.
No serious historian today accepts this theory.
There is a compelling logic to his main theory.
_ad9_This concept is at the very core of her theory.
He is absorbed in the study of the Fuzzy Theory.
Everybody's first book on Regularization Theory.
It is important to combine theory with practice.
Her theory has been shaken by this new evidence.
In no way can theory be separated from practice.
The theory is vapid, while the life is colorful.
This theory is at variance with the known facts.
_ad10_Recent research seems to corroborate his theory.
What they did was to reinstate classical theory.
The teacher illustrated his theory with pictures.
AleksandroHis theory is widely accepted as valid.
The speaker illustrated the theory with examples.
Do you know who originated the theory of quantum?
Einstein's theory of relativity is very abstruse.
People who participate only in theory lose heart.
_ad11_The theory is not yet scientifically established.
What does the theory of plate tectonics maintain?
In theory, everyone will have to pay the new tax.
Historical evidence lends credence to his theory.
The theory of relativity originated with Einstein.
It is not a theory that is commonly subscribed to.
Your plan sounds fine in theory, but will it work?
Daley was a firm believer in the bootstrap theory.
_ad12_I need some more examples to bolster up my theory.
Some scientists have rejected evolutionary theory.
Theory and practice do not necessarily go together.
You can play Sentence Make Game
to improve your sentence structuring skills on the word "theory". In the game, the aim is to form a meaningful sentences about "theory" using sentences shuffled. It is important to complete in a predeterminded time period.