Are you single?
Single with bath, right?
not a single friend yet.
I don't have a single enemy.
My oldest brother is single.
I got a single to Birmingham.
A single fare is 170 dollars.
Misfortune never come single.
Unscramble the words Game
He sent her a single red rose.
I will single out two of them.
He remained single all his life.
Not a single person arrived late.
She remained single all her life.
His life hung by a single thread.
She hadn't uttered a single word.
They single out the biggest apple.
-Get Unscramble exercise
He went by me without a single word.
There isn't a single scratch on me.
A single nod implies an affirmation.
He didn't single out anyone by name.
Single exchange rate for the rouble.
Single is simple, double is trouble.
A single candle illuminated his face.
A single word may vitiate a contract.
Sentence Make Game
No single factor appears to dominate.
The single lamp burned on the mantel.
The whole country is a single entity.
Are you married, single, or divorced?
I don't even have a single girlfriend.
His handicap is in the single digits.
A single snowflake landed on her nose.
A single tree gave shade from the sun.
Sentence Make Game
A single tree in a field is prominent.
Capital Choice, a single premium bond.
No single community could go it alone.
single spark can start a prairie fire.
She failed to understand a single word.
There wasn't a single book in the room.
A single flower does not make a spring.
The stairwell was lit by a single bulb.
_ad5_Which would you single out as the best?
It is a single, low cost, secured loan.
Do you want a single or a return ticket?
She extinguished him with a single word.
The plant produced a single white bloom.
She was a single - minded , artless girl.
Single Scorpios be out and about July 10!
In Japan almost all roads are single lane.
_ad6_There isn't a single mistake in his paper.
The single tree in the field is prominent.
There is not a single mistake in his paper.
fucongcongHe was killed by a single bullet.
He remained single till the end of his day.
He staked his future on this single chance.
He never said a single word in retaliation.
In the public mind they're a single entity.
_ad7_There was not a single person in the house.
Would you like a single or a return ticket?
Single rooms are available at a supplement.
Even a single man bad been able to balk him.
He brought down the bear with a single shot.
She removed every single thing from the box.
There is a ?10 supplement for a single room.
A single light bulb dangled from the ceiling.
_ad8_And the two single sleigh beds, side by side.
He laid his opponent low with a single punch.
Large books can be put on a single microchip.
Not a single major European nation is immune.
The single transferable vote system operates.
There they coalesce to form a single nucleus.
there was a single banana tree in the jungle.
They had a smash hit with their first single.
_ad9_I could not catch a single word of their talk.
He has no sympathy for single parent families.
He flattened the intruder with a single punch.
He is living in a state of single blessedness.
She wore a single orchid on her evening dress.
The bridge crosses the river in a single span.
A single drop of blood splashed onto the floor.
All the speakers hook up to a single amplifier.
_ad10_Every single ad in the campaign has been a gem.
I single out Attitash only because I was there.
The girl is single out to represent the school.
Tourism is the country's single biggest earner.
He is not man to lose heart at a single failure.
She didn't utter a single word of encouragement.
Church and empire were fused in a single entity.
Delay is not permissible, even for a single day.
_ad11_He knocked his opponent down with a single blow.
Prefer the single word to the circumlocution. 4.
Reconnaissance revealed not a single large ship.
Take a single dose at bedtime to help you sleep.
That single room was unfit for human habitation.
The batter drilled a single through the infield.
The ships were rigged with a single square sail.
Three single beds, pinned to floor, equidistant.
_ad12_Would you like single ticket or a return ticket?
Each directive defines one single rewriting rule.
If you have two single rooms, so much the better.
You can play Sentence Make Game
to improve your sentence structuring skills on the word "single". In the game, the aim is to form a meaningful sentences about "single" using sentences shuffled. It is important to complete in a predeterminded time period.