Read after me.
Read it aloud.
Do you read me?
He can't read it.
Read it after her.
I read comic books.
Let's read Lesson.
I do not read books.
Unscramble the words Game
Anybody can read it.
My hobby is to read.
Read the book aloud.
Please read after me.
I cannot read French.
He can read and write.
I want a book to read.
He likes to read books.
-Get Unscramble exercise
I should read the book.
I have no time to read.
I read novels at random.
Only he read the letter.
I want him to read this.
I can't really read her.
She read the poem aloud.
I want to read the book.
Sentence Make Game
He is well able to read.
Read Gone With The Wind.
I read anger in her face.
I read the letter to him.
I do not read his novels.
He read the book through.
He used to read at night.
I want to read this book.
Sentence Make Game
She read one poem to him.
I read through the novel.
She is well able to read.
She cannot write or read.
He read the letter slowly.
He read physics at Oxford.
I read the New York Times.
I read all kinds of books.
_ad5_She did not read the book.
I read a book as I walked.
Do not read while walking.
I am able to read English.
I can read Spanish easily.
I want many books to read.
I don't have time to read.
I went on to read the book.
_ad6_I like to read story books.
All of you have to read it.
I read few books last week.
I have read all his novels.
He doesn't read many books.
He can read English easily.
He read the document aloud.
To read books is important.
_ad7_I can read without glasses.
I read fifty pages further.
I have little time to read.
Can you read phonetic signs?
He may have read the letter.
He hasn't read the book yet.
He read this book yesterday.
He sat down to read a novel.
_ad8_He likes to read newspapers.
How can you read that trash?
I read a lot of non-fiction.
I can read Spanish with ease.
Some read books to kill time.
I read a few books last week.
A fortuneteller read my hand.
I have no time to read books.
_ad9_He can't have read this book.
He was able to read the book.
I read your letter yesterday.
I have read this book before.
He read books at his leisure.
I read about it in the paper.
Your writing is hard to read.
What does the gas meter read?
_ad10_Read until your eyes pop out.
Read this with a heavy heart.
He can neither read nor write.
We cannot read too many books.
I cannot read without glasses.
Why don't you read the manual?
I read a file on a truant boy.
Do you have any books to read?
_ad11_I read a magazine to kill time.
You must not read while eating.
He read the poem in a monotone.
He is anxious to read the book.
He read to his heart's content.
I could read between the lines.
I read his novel in manuscript.
I read her poems in manuscript.
_ad12_Yes. I usually read nonfiction.
He could barely read and write.
I'd like to read the storybook.
You can play Sentence Make Game
to improve your sentence structuring skills on the word "read". In the game, the aim is to form a meaningful sentences about "read" using sentences shuffled. It is important to complete in a predeterminded time period.