painting in a sentence

He is fond of painting.

Their boat needs painting.

He likes painting by nature.

I showed genius in painting.

He is painting a huge volcano.

Strew sawdust before painting.

His hobby is painting pictures.

The painting is a museum piece.

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The painting was judged a fake.

He elected painting as a career.

His painting had tactile appeal.

Lemme see your painting, Manaka.

He stood gazing at the painting.

He has a sharp eye for painting.

He has an aptitude for painting.

The rain has spoilt my painting.

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She has a good hand for painting.

Painting is his bread and butter.

She is fond of painting a picture.

She has taken to painting in oils.

Is the painting a genuine Picasso?

The painting shows her in profile.

The painting was hung upside down.

The boy enjoyed painting a picture.

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My brother has a gift for painting.

Ventilate your house when painting.

Is this picture of his own painting?

He described the painting in detail.

I can't make sense of that painting.

A professional is painting the house.

He discovered the painting perchance.

I'll do some painting this afternoon.

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This painting is typical of his work.

to attribute a painting to an artist.

My wish is to study painting in Paris.

He is rich enough to buy the painting.

After a painting by W.J. Muller, 1835.

Medieval painting is not his province.

She took to painting after retirement.

The man painting the wall is my father.

_ad5_I mused on the meaning of his painting.

There is a picture of his own painting.

The painting is a good likeness of you.

The painting is a true likeness of her.

The painting was a very clever forgery.

He stepped back to admire the painting.

My painting looks childish beside yours.

The painting is by a pupil of Rembrandt.

_ad6_The painting went to the highest bidder.

He derived great pleasure from painting.

My hobbies include reading and painting.

The outside of the house needs painting.

He put the painting at a very high price.

I spent the afternoon painting a picture.

The painting was bold, brash, and modern.

Stacey spends all her free time painting.

_ad7_His hobby is painting pictures of flowers.

Scrub the walls down before painting them.

The painting on the wall is a bit crooked.

The painting was declared to be a forgery.

This painting lacks the finishing touches.

It looks like an impressionistic painting.

The boat's interior badly needed painting.

Brighten the kitchen by painting it yellow.

_ad8_The date of the painting is now undisputed.

The painting will go to the highest bidder.

There's no mistaking a painting by Picasso.

This painting is typical of his early work.

He can reproduce a painting by a new method.

Smith painted an oil painting on the canvas.

That painting must be worth a king's ransom.

This painting is the jewel of my collection.

_ad9_She cleaned a small segment of the painting.

He brought the art of painting to perfection.

Experts put a high valuation on the painting.

She is very biased against abstract painting.

He received tuition in painting for one year.

The painting was sold to a private collector.

This painting depicts the Battle of Waterloo.

She was suitably impressed with the painting.

_ad10_The walls must be dubbed out before painting.

All he wanted was time to finish his painting.

Early in life he showed a talent for painting.

Bidding for the painting will close on Friday.

Experts revealed that the painting was a fake.

He has a deft touch with tricky painting jobs.

He put the finishing touches to his painting.

I hate painting the fiddly bits in the corner.

_ad11_The ownership of the painting remains unclear.

The painting belongs to the impressionism era.

The painting is currently on view at the Tate.

A painting of Ingres was suspended on the wall.

Generally, I prefer painting with watercolours.

Is that painting an original or a reproduction?

The painting comes from his private collection.

The painting was bought by a private collector.

_ad12_The painting was sold for a reputed $3 million.

The woman in this painting has a pensive smile.

He showed a singular lack of skill in painting.

Play Sentence Make Game on "painting

Sentence Make Game on painting

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You can play Sentence Make Game to improve your sentence structuring skills on the word "painting". In the game, the aim is to form a meaningful sentences about "painting" using sentences shuffled. It is important to complete in a predeterminded time period.


Search for English words and find their meanings and how they are used in a sentence.