I like his music.
I love music, too.
My hobby is music.
I like jazz music.
I'm learning music.
I like disco music.
He is playing music.
I do not like music.
Unscramble the words Game
He is given to music.
I talked about music.
My mother loves music.
He is mad about music.
She understands music.
Can I play some music?
His music is too noisy.
I like music very much.
-Get Unscramble exercise
I am in the music club.
He's no judge of music.
They stopped the music.
He has an ear for music.
He is absorbed in music.
She has a love of music.
She prefers quiet music.
I appreciate good music.
Sentence Make Game
SquawI am fond of music.
I have no ear for music.
He likes music very much.
GrizaLeonoWe study music.
He is very fond of music.
I was moved by the music.
I like English and music.
I am interested in music.
Sentence Make Game
She likes music very much.
The girls danced to music.
He has a genius for music.
He is interested in music.
He was listening to music.
I like instrumental music.
I like listening to music.
I belong to the music club.
_ad5_I know he likes jazz music.
She especially likes music.
She is interested in music.
She has her heart in music.
She has a genius for music.
She was listening to music.
We all hummed to the music.
I like the music of Austria.
_ad6_He is an ardent music lover.
Some of the music was weird.
He got into music by chance.
I prefer jazz to rock music.
On the radio, country music.
I am listening to the music.
Music is a passion with him.
I classify his music as rock.
_ad7_Piano music soothes the soul.
His taste in music is superb.
He belongs to the music club.
Emily is a country music fan.
I was impressed by his music.
I am familiar with his music.
His son has a gift for music.
My father doesn't like music.
_ad8_He is a great lover of music.
They are talking about music.
I don't like classical music.
She likes to listen to music.
A radio belted out pop music.
We danced to the disco music.
I have given myself to music.
Music is his abiding passion.
_ad9_The music reached a crescendo.
His ear for music was certain.
I love music, especially rock.
She is absorbed in rock music.
She excels her class in music.
She devoted her life to music.
I am very interested in music.
My favorite music is pop music.
_ad10_He likes both music and sports.
This music always makes me sad.
Kobayashi is lost in the music.
My hobby is listening to music.
They were dancing to the music.
I like listening to good music.
I have no relish for pop music.
I am a great fan of rave music.
_ad11_My dad's allergic to pop music.
Mozart composed a lot of music.
The poem has been set to music.
Music is such a nebulous thing.
He listened to music by himself.
Modern music is familiar to him.
She listened to music for hours.
I like music better than sports.
_ad12_The music modulates from G to D.
Young people like popular music.
He has a natural bent for music.
You can play Sentence Make Game
to improve your sentence structuring skills on the word "music". In the game, the aim is to form a meaningful sentences about "music" using sentences shuffled. It is important to complete in a predeterminded time period.