He took medical advice.
He is a medical student.
She was a medical student.
That's it for your medical exam.
The medical prognosis was bleak.
She served in the medical corps.
He was refused medical treatment.
He was devoted to medical science.
Unscramble the words Game
He is engaged in medical research.
She was retired on medical grounds.
He was engaged in medical research.
Medical advice was provided gratis.
She was in need of medical attention.
He's in the Royal Army Medical Corps.
Medical supplies were growing scarce.
He dedicated his life to medical work.
-Get Unscramble exercise
They went through the medical checkup.
We need more medical care for infants.
The medical name for his disease is ALS.
He's a member of the medical fraternity.
Regular medical check-ups are advisable.
The stethoscope is a medical instrument.
What is a prognosis in medical parlance?
She made a series of medical discoveries.
Sentence Make Game
The medical diagnosis was cerebral palsy.
To act as a medical quack or a charlatan.
Medical tests showed that he was sterile.
I decided to consult a medical dictionary.
Jack has obtained a medical qualification.
Even worms are bought for medical research.
He is a pioneer in modern medical practice.
He was in urgent need of medical attention.
Sentence Make Game
Medical device free of living Microbiology.
He is a professor of the medical department.
But in Paris he dropped his medical studies.
Statistics are integral to medical research.
This bookstore doesn't handle medical books.
medical school curriculum is four years long.
If the symptoms persist, seek medical advice.
Incidents of medical malpractice are soaring.
_ad5_Increasingly we are subject to medical audit.
The money will help offset big medical bills.
Women comprise 44% of hospital medical staff.
You are a disgrace to the medical profession.
Medical Tangle is a hot issue of the society.
Medical technology has advanced considerably.
He has great influence over the medical world.
Stan initially wanted to go to medical school.
_ad6_His son is intended for the medical profession.
Alexander is a member of the medical fraternity.
But more is due to medical and sanitary science.
He is hoping to retire early on medical grounds.
Your medical records are strictly confidential.
Medical help arrives promptly after an accident.
Medical care is still free at the point of use.
Few medical procedures carry no risk of any kind.
_ad7_He is indisposed to join the mobile medical team.
Newman was a master of populist medical rhetoric.
She is on the waiting list for medical treatment.
His remarkable recovery defied all medical augury.
She had discharged herself against medical advice.
The claims were for non-existent medical supplies.
Medical units were operating in the disaster area.
Homeopathy is on the periphery of medical practice.
_ad8_The man was clearly in need of urgent medical help.
The medical corps were cited for bravery in combat.
Physiology and anatomy are basic to medical science.
She followed her mother into the medical profession.
Shockingly, the medical establishment is responding.
The hospital has a medical ward and a surgical ward.
The new drug has undergone extensive medical trials.
Medical records were found to be grossly inadequate.
_ad9_He was finally granted access to the medical records.
The famous anti - senility medical expert, Doctor St.
The doctor is reading the Journal of Medical Science.
A medical examination showed no signs of hypertension.
Glossaries in each kit define pertinent medical terms.
This problem is outside the domain of medical science.
Many of today's medical images are processed digitally.
The scarcity of medical supplies was becoming critical.
_ad10_The study was approved by the medical ethics committee.
Can I make an appointment to have a medical examination?
Being unemployed entitles you to free medical treatment.
His amazing recovery confounded the medical specialists.
Infrared is widely used in industry and medical science.
Many of the refugees urgently require medical treatment.
Such conditions may be amenable to medical intervention.
The emergency services were on hand with medical advice.
_ad11_The medical profession was deeply divided over eugenics.
Medical supplies are being dropped to the stricken area.
Recently he enrolled in the Chinese Medical Association.
He is anxiously awaiting the result of the medical tests.
Most medical research probably will be spared, Vest said.
Some affairs actually now begin with a medical procedure.
Well, I am no medical man, but that is an understatement.
Medical aircraft carrier, the springhead of human health.
_ad12_Barbara Reed, met at Washington University medical school.
Inform your doctor of any pre-existing medical condition.
Penicillin was an extremely significant medical discovery.
You can play Sentence Make Game
to improve your sentence structuring skills on the word "medical". In the game, the aim is to form a meaningful sentences about "medical" using sentences shuffled. It is important to complete in a predeterminded time period.