A stormy life?
This is the life.
How is your life?
I ran for my life.
I owe him my life.
Makes life easier.
I lead a busy life.
He led a sober life.
Unscramble the words Game
He ran for his life.
Live a riotous life.
I lead a happy life.
He lived a hard life.
He led a simple life.
He lived a busy life.
He succeeded in life.
His life is in danger.
-Get Unscramble exercise
Her life is in danger.
She's had a hard life.
He lived a moral life.
He lived a happy life.
He started a new life.
She took her own life.
She lived a long life.
She ran for dear life.
Sentence Make Game
You can't run my life.
I lead a regular life.
You make your own life.
He lived a simple life.
He has changed my life.
He led a life of luxury.
I really like city life.
I'm afraid for his life.
Sentence Make Game
He has led a loose life.
They lived a happy life.
She lived a lonely life.
His life is despaired of.
In a word, life is short.
I get a kick out of life.
Don't make light of life.
He went downward in life.
_ad5_He lived an unhappy life.
He ran away for his life.
He succeeded in life fine.
The boy came back to life.
Food is essential to life.
His was a remarkable life.
He is leading a fast life.
He had little social life.
_ad6_He was in prison for life.
He's leading a dog's life.
He set himself up in life.
He ran away for dear life.
She lived an unhappy life.
Her life is free from care.
My aunt lived a happy life.
Food is necessary for life.
_ad7_The best day in one's life.
Water is essential to life.
My father led a moral life.
He will be ruined for life.
He is in the prime of life.
I can give you a long life.
She has seen a lot of life.
Father enjoyed a long life.
_ad8_He made law his life career.
I will pawn my life for her.
That sneaky, low life creep.
My uncle lived a happy life.
Nothing is pleasant in life.
He is well advanced in life.
Tokyo is bustling with life.
He has made his way in life.
_ad9_He is longing for city life.
She was a Christian in life.
Tell me the meaning of life.
I regret nothing of my life.
The engine juddered to life.
Thanks for being in my life.
You are the air, is my life.
Drink up! For a longer life.
_ad10_I have had a miserable life.
I want to live a happy life.
What is the meaning of life?
My mother made my life hell.
His life is gradually ebbing.
He had filmed her life story.
I loved my life and my money.
We lead a very ordinary life.
_ad11_Water is a necessity of life.
variety is the spice of life.
Few planets can sustain life.
They are the bane of my life.
We have led a miserable life.
He had a great zest for life.
They lived a happy life there.
She devoted her life to music.
_ad12_She enjoyed the life on board.
She has a real lust for life.
Shit happens,but life goes on!
You can play Sentence Make Game
to improve your sentence structuring skills on the word "life". In the game, the aim is to form a meaningful sentences about "life" using sentences shuffled. It is important to complete in a predeterminded time period.