behavior in a sentence

His behavior puzzled me.

His behavior shocked us.

My behavior was very odd.

His behavior troubles us.

His behavior makes me sick.

His behavior was theatrical.

His behavior is sometimes se.

Her behavior is above praise.

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He is modest in his behavior.

I was ashamed of my behavior.

His behavior really miffed me.

I was annoyed at his behavior.

He is ashamed of his behavior.

I felt disgust at his behavior.

I was offended at his behavior.

His behavior is above suspicion.

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Her behavior struck me as silly.

I can hardly stand his behavior.

You should imitate his behavior.

His behavior is always honorable.

His behavior is worthy of praise.

Her behavior is beneath contempt.

Her behavior gave rise to rumors.

My behavior put him out of humor.

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He is above such stupid behavior.

The girl is flippant in behavior.

His behavior won general applause.

His behavior is worthy of respect.

His behavior is beneath criticism.

My son is ashamed of his behavior.

I cannot put up with her behavior.

His behavior aroused my suspicions.

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His behavior is my primary concern.

I can't stand his behavior anymore.

His behavior alienated his friends.

Her behavior is my primary concern.

We criticized her for her behavior.

She got angry at his rude behavior.

His behavior is alien to the public.

His behavior allows of no criticism.

_ad5_Her behavior is worthy of reverence.

He is very peculiar in his behavior.

We regarded his behavior as childish.

His behavior was anything but polite.

His behavior really got on my nerves.

His behavior was that of a gentleman.

His nonsensical behavior is shocking.

Her behavior really got on my nerves.

_ad6_He is displeased at her rude behavior.

People speak highly of their behavior.

That's really silly clownish behavior.

His behavior is contrary to his belief.

They regarded his behavior as childish.

You should be ashamed of your behavior.

She couldn't do with his rude behavior.

What do you infer from her se behavior?

_ad7_I spoke to him concerning his behavior.

His behavior is nothing like his father.

They looked on her behavior as childish.

I just can't overlook his rude behavior.

He excused himself for his bad behavior.

Apologize to her for your rude behavior!

I'm fed up with the children's behavior.

His behavior never ceases to surprise me.

_ad8_His behavior conflicts with what he says.

Her behavior will become more aggressive.

Her husband felt ashamed at her behavior.

Her behavior is consistent with her words.

Her behavior is abnormal for a young girl.

His behavior, as I remember, was very bad.

I was most impressed by his good behavior.

I want no repetition of your bad behavior.

_ad9_He took offense at his daughter's behavior.

She was ashamed of her children's behavior.

I can't put up with his behavior any longer.

He manifested his character in his behavior.

She took offense at her daughter's behavior.

Mary denounced her husband for bad behavior.

She embodies her principles in her behavior.

It is evident from his behavior that he lies.

_ad10_His behavior was appropriate to the occasion.

His behavior was often a target of criticism.

Her behavior was a departure from the normal.

Her behavior was appropriate to the occasion.

I couldn't put up with her arrogant behavior.

My friends scolded me for my stupid behavior.

I shall want an explanation of your behavior.

She was shocked at her own depraved behavior.

_ad11_You can tailor the login and logout behavior.

His behavior is significant of his intentions.

I feel nothing but contempt for such behavior.

Everyone praises the children's good behavior.

Humans are specialized in vindictive behavior.

Nothing can extenuate such appalling behavior.

There is a natural coyness about her behavior.

You have surprised me with your good behavior.

_ad12_You must not debase yourself by such behavior.

His behavior did not correspond with his words.

She has a feminine insight into human behavior.

Play Sentence Make Game on "behavior

Sentence Make Game on behavior

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You can play Sentence Make Game to improve your sentence structuring skills on the word "behavior". In the game, the aim is to form a meaningful sentences about "behavior" using sentences shuffled. It is important to complete in a predeterminded time period.


Search for English words and find their meanings and how they are used in a sentence.