ability in a sentence

He is a man of ability.

Talking is a human ability.

Man has the ability to talk.

Man has the ability to speak.

I had the ability to imitate.

He is a man of great ability.

I trust his executive ability.

Nobody can impugn his ability.

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He has the ability to organise.

He is a man of musical ability.

He is confident of his ability.

He is a man of great a ability.

We have the ability to remember.

He has poor ability to organize.

Her ability took her to the top.

The girl lacked musical ability.

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I know him for a man of ability.

I'm sure he is a man of ability.

He has the ability to do the job.

He has confidence in his ability.

She is a woman of proven ability.

Ability to work well with others.

I doubt his ability to do the job.

He has great ability as an artist.

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I don't doubt his ability to do it.

You can rely on his proven ability.

We cannot overestimate her ability.

How can ability treat somnambulate?

The post is adapted to her ability.

Man alone has the ability to reason.

There is no doubt about his ability.

I have no doubts as to your ability.

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He has an unusual ability in English.

I have much confidence in my ability.

I believe him to be a man of ability.

She has no illusion about my ability.

How can ability let pouch decrescent?

How can ability make anus retractile?

He made a wisecrack about my ability.

He has got both authority and ability.

_ad5_I will work to the best of my ability.

He has the ability to do his job well.

He insinuate his doubt of her ability.

He showed exceptional musical ability.

He has the ability to make a good plan.

I was uncertain of my ability to do it.

I don't have much faith in his ability.

Young as he is, he is a man of ability.

_ad6_It's difficult to evaluate his ability.

I have every confidence in his ability.

Their technical ability is exceptional.

He impressed us with his great ability.

He is a man of great executive ability.

He has the ability to manage a business.

His ability in English is above average.

I have a natural ability in mathematics.

_ad7_You must work according to your ability.

I did the job to the best of my ability.

How can ability raise his psychokinesis?

Cats have the ability to see in the dark.

He acquired the ability to speak English.

I have confidence in your ability to win.

We might have underestimated his ability.

He performed the role with great ability.

_ad8_Young as he was, he was a man of ability.

An ability may atrophy if it is not used.

The boy shows remarkable ability at math.

He grouped students according to ability.

The manager lacks administrative ability.

He has the ability to carry out big plans.

His ability in mathematics is outstanding.

He has the ability to speak ten languages.

_ad9_She has great ability in teaching English.

She has an extraordinary ability in music.

I'm not satisfied with my English ability.

Animals do not have the ability to reason.

He has the ability to size up a situation.

All will have a positive academic ability.

She is endowed with great musical ability.

She is endowed with great writing ability.

_ad10_He has enough ability to manage a business.

His musical ability was fostered in Vienna.

He was not at all surprised at her ability.

He did the work to the best of his ability.

She tends to underestimate her own ability.

To deprive of strength or ability; disable.

We have the ability to memorize information.

Success is due less to ability than to zeal.

_ad11_His ability has been overlooked by his boss.

I will do my duty to the best of my ability.

To put it briefly, he lacks musical ability.

The king decorated his official for ability.

My criterion is the ability to work joyfully.

He showed exceptional ability in mathematics.

I will do the work to the best of my ability.

I have some good opinion of my son's ability.

_ad12_Can you certify for his ability as a teacher?

MP (magic) Ability score needed to use magic.

Her ability to write with her foot is amazing.

Play Sentence Make Game on "ability

Sentence Make Game on ability

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You can play Sentence Make Game to improve your sentence structuring skills on the word "ability". In the game, the aim is to form a meaningful sentences about "ability" using sentences shuffled. It is important to complete in a predeterminded time period.


Search for English words and find their meanings and how they are used in a sentence.