51- Driving a car is really very simple.

52- You don't need to go to emergency for a simple thing like a stomachache, just go to your local health clinic, and they'll help you out.

53- Personally, I think spanking a child, and taking away his allowance is drastic punishment for a simple thing like taking cookies without asking.

54- Bertrand Russell once said, "Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.

55- "Life on earth probably began with simple chemical reactions that occurred naturally.

56- The vocal part of the song is very simple.

57- The aborigines of Australia had an elaborate ritual life, supported by the world's simplest known material technologies.

58- Your essay will be much stronger if you use simple, straightforward language.

59- It is easier for secretaries to take dictation nowadays, with cassette recorders and computers making everything simpler.

60- What began as a simple property dispute between the two neighbors became a serious problem when one man cut down a tree which the other considered to be on his land.

61- The child was born deaf and mute, but has learned to say a few simple words.

62- Oscar Wilde observed that the pure and simple truth is rarely pure, and never simple.

63- In 1918 and 1919, a world epidemic of simple influenza killed 20 million people in the United States and Europe.

64- This cookbook captures the essence of Indian cuisine, with delicious yet simple recipes for both vegetarians and meat-eaters alike.

65- There is no simple road to success.

66- They are satisfied with a simple life.

67- Henry Louis Mencken once said that for every problem, there is one solution which is simple, neat and wrong.

68- Discussion question: Would you rather have a small, simple wedding, or a big, fancy one?The simple act of walking requires the use of 200 muscles in the human body.

69- The simple act of walking requires the use of 200 muscles in the human body.

70- simple hard work has been the primary element in the story of his success.

71- A simple modification of the car's engine allows it to use cooking grease as fuel.

72- We learned to fashion simple knives out of animal bones while we were on our survival course.

73- Exquisitely simple, yet unbelievably complex, the egg is one of nature's wonders.

74- A simple promise from your boss is not enough.

75- You need him to put it in writing.

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