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The word who

English words and Examples of Usage

Example Sentences for "who"

Use who in a sentence

Know who you are.

Who is the girl at the door?

Let's just try it.

Who cares what happens afterward?

There's no sense thinking too much about that.

The number of people who die in traffic accidents is surprising.

Who in the world is the fellow over there?

Are you knowing the girl who is over there?

I wonder who the man over there may be.

Who is the girl standing over there?

The man who is standing over there is my father.

Who is your favorite singer?

Who is your favorite player?

Who's your favorite actor?

Happy is the man who is contented.

Luck comes to those who look for it.

Happy is the man who knows his limits.

Who is there but hopes for happiness?

The crown prince is the one who is to succeed to the throne.

Archaeologists are those who hunt for clues about the lifestyles of ancient peoples.

Every one of us who ridiculed his business plan as a bunch of hokum should be embarrassed we did.

Those who do not wish to go need not go.

I buy my silver from a man who has a mine on his property.

Who is responsible for high unemployment?

A state is made up of individuals who compose it.

Who's pulling the strings behind the scenes?

The young man who is talking with John is a student from Canada.

Jiro, who had never cried in front of anyone before, started bawling.

Look at the girl who is now singing.

The number of students who specialize in biology will increase from now on.

Nowadays, there are still a few groups of people in different parts of the world who do not have permanent homes.

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