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Use controlling in a sentence - Example Sentences for controlling

The corporation has a controlling interest in a number of smaller companies.

He battled his partner for a controlling interest in the company.

The old man had trouble controlling himself, and often soiled his pants.

He fought his partner for a controlling interest in the company.

Medical experts warn that the only effective method of controlling widespread HIV infection is to prevent risk-taking behavior.

Stoplights are red, yellow, and green because traffic officials copied the code system railroad engineers devised for track systems controlling the trains.

devote Medication made from marijuana has an important role to play in controlling nausea in patients undergoing chemotherapy treatments for cancer.

Medical experts warn that the only effective method of controlling widespread HIV transmission is to prevent risk-taking behavior.

Stoplights are red, yellow, and green because traffic officials copied the code system railroad engineers used for track systems controlling the trains.

Some traditional, established religious groups seem to be targeting new religious movements, believing them to be largely criminal, mind-controlling, dangerous cults.

Medical experts warn that the only effective method of controlling widespread HIV transmission is to prevent risk-taking behavior.

44) will be found a very useful device to have fitted in place of the ordinary milled head controlling the fine adjustment.

A man who has led a continent life before marriage should have no difficulty in controlling his sexual appetite to that extent.

In contraction of the chest there is a positive pressure in the air passages, and air is expelled; in normal quiet breathing an ebb and flow of air takes place rhythmically and subconsciously; thus in the ordinary speaking of conversation we do not require to exercise any voluntary effort in controlling the breathing, but the orator and more especially the singer uses his knowledge and experience in the voluntary control of his breath, and he is thus enabled to use his vocal instrument in the most effective manner.

There are thus two sets of respiratory nerve fibres passing from the brain-the one inhibiting or controlling to the opposite half of the respiratory centre in the medulla; the other direct, evading the respiratory centre and running the same course to the spinal centres for the respiratory movements as the ordinary motor fibres do to the centres for other movements.

) is a satisfactory method of controlling haemorrhage from small blood-vessels.

Pressure over the surface of the wound is the most convenient method of Controlling haemorrhage in most cases.

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The word controlling

Example sentences with the controlling, a sentence example for controlling, and how to make controlling in sample sentence, Synonyms and Collocations for controlling how do I use the word controlling in a sentence? How do you spell controlling in a sentence? spelling of controlling