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Use conjunctiva in a sentence - Example Sentences for conjunctiva

After the tunica conjunctiva, or adnata, (a membrane, which, having lined the eyelids in the manner of a cuticle, surrounds the anterior part of the globe) is removed, we perceive a white, firm, membrane, called the sclerotica, which takes its rise from that part of the globe where the optic nerve enters, and surrounds the whole eye, except a little in the fore part; which fore part has a membrane, immediately to be described, called the cornea.

The tunica sclerotica, viewed through the conjunctiva, forms what is called the white of the eye.

-It may be injected with blood (delinquents), or partly covered over by an abnormal development of the semilunar plica or fold of the palpebral conjunctiva.

Expression was also demonstrated in the endothelial cells of conjunctiva, retina, and orbit.

As eyelids are of insufficient length to both extend the additional distance backward and cover the conjunctiva, they may not be able to fully appose.

Students disputed whether the conjunctiva extended over the cornea or not, and worried themselves over Gaultier de Claubry's stratified layers of the skin, or Breschet's blennogenous and chromatogenous organs.

The lachrymal glands are small lobular organs, situated at the outer and upper orbit of the eye, and have from six to eight ducts, which open upon the conjunctiva, between the eyelid and its inner fold.


The conjunctiva is best known because of its inflammation state, conjunctivitis (more commonly known as pinkeye).

With some chemicals-above all with caustic alkalis such as sodium hydroxide-there may be necrosis of the conjunctiva with a deceptively white eye due to vascular closure, followed by sloughing of the dead epithelium.

The sclera's blood vessels are mainly on the surface, and together with the conjunctiva (which lies on top) This is a thin layer covering the sclera.

Additionally it supplies the conjunctiva of the eye, the frontal sinus and the skin from the forehead extending back to the middle of the scalp.

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The word conjunctiva

Example sentences with the conjunctiva, a sentence example for conjunctiva, and how to make conjunctiva in sample sentence, Synonyms and Collocations for conjunctiva how do I use the word conjunctiva in a sentence? How do you spell conjunctiva in a sentence? spelling of conjunctiva