
English words and Examples of Usage

Example Sentences for "thief"

Two young high school students have been arrested for car theft after being found in possession of a stolen mini-vanA thief broke into the museum, and stole a painting worth almost one million dollars.

Two young high school students have been arrested for car theft after being found in possession of a stolen mini-van.

You have to be careful of thieves on the buses in that country because they will steal your camera, your wallet or anything they can get.

The horse thieves were caught by the cowboys, and hanged from the highest tree.

He became a thief, stealing food and the like because his family never had enough to eat.

By putting a special device on the steering wheel of your car, you can greatly decrease the chances of theft of your vehicle.

My neighbor was a victim of a thief who stole her purse while she was out shopping.

Aesop once remarked that we hang the petty thieves, and appoint the great ones to public office.

Euripedes once said that the day is for honest men, the night for thieves.

Edward Young once observed that procrastination is the thief of time.

Lao-Tzu stated that the more laws and orders are made prominent, the more thieves and robbers there will be.

There is an Afghan proverb which states, Don't be a thief, and you won't fear the King.

1963, a gang of 15 thieves stole �2,631,784 in Britain's Great Train Robbery.

In December of 1913, the Mona Lisa was returned to the Louvre in Paris after a two-year absence due to theft.

Discussion question: Have you ever been the victim of a theft? Talk about the experience.

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