drip in a sentence

Example Sentences for "drip"

Her voice was dripping with anger and hostility.

Water was dripping from his nose as he stood waiting in the rain.

A dripping hot water faucet wastes about 40 kilowatt-hours of electricity each month, enough to run a color television 8 hours a day for the entire month.

Candles burn more slowly, and drip less if they are placed in the freezer for an hour before using.

A Peruvian proverb notes that the continuous drip polishes the stone.

In order to see if chemicals are safe for human use, they are often tested by dripping them into a rabbit's eye, and then watching to see what happens.

Find someone who knows how to fix a dripping tap.

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English words and Examples of use

Example sentences with the drip, a sentence example for drip, and how to make drip in sample sentence, how do I use the word drip in a sentence? How do you spell drip in a sentence? spelling of drip

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