drastic in a sentence

Example Sentences for "drastic"

Drastic changes need to be made to the way we do business, or else this company is going to go bankrupt.

Conditions at the company changed drastically after a report was published suggesting that it was exposing its workers to unacceptable hazards.

Koala populations in Australia were drastically diminished in 2001, due to the severe fires that destroyed great stretches of forest.

We can drastically affect our health, and live longer as a result of the food we eat.

South African lifestyles changed drastically with the ending of apartheid.

Former Vice-President Al Gore was so convinced humans are warming the planet that he advocated an international treaty committing America to drastically reduce emissions from oil, gas and coal.

The police had to take drastic measures to keep the angry crowd from rioting.

The simple, plain style of English church music in the early 1500s was a drastic change from the massive, very elaborate Catholic music of the time.

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English words and Examples of use

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