dose in a sentence

Example Sentences for "dose"

The patient had to ask the doctor to increase the dosage of her pain-killer so that she could get some sleep.

The doctor put Anne on a high dosage of iron when she was pregnant.

Deitrich Bonhoeffer once said that if you do a good job for others, you heal yourself at the same time because a dose of joy is a spiritual cure.

Chapman Cohen once stated that Gods are fragile things; they may be killed by a whiff of science, or a dose of common sense.

Russell Baker once suggested that happiness is a small and unworthy goal for something as big and fancy as a whole lifetime, and should be taken in small doses.

Philipus Aureolus Paracelsus once observed that poison is in everything, and no thing is without poison. The dosage makes it either a poison or a remedy.

A Hebrew proverb observes that three things are good in small doses, and bad in big ones: yeast, salt, and hesitation.

A good dosage of iron for menstruating women is 18 mg daily.

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