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use "whereas" in a sentence

My sister's hand-writing is always so neat, whereas mine is a total mess.

When I was growing up, my brother and I had easier chores like taking out the garbage, whereas my sisters had to help make supper and stuff.

My parents were both in a serious car accident when they were in their

early twenties, but my mother broke her neck, whereas my father only received a few cuts and bruises.

Whereas most substances shrink when they are cooled, water actually expands.

North American society is very individualistic, whereas in my country people are more interested in

social harmony.

Despite its small size, a sparrow has 14 bones in its neck, whereas a giraffe only has seven.

Tax cuts always seem designed to benefit the rich, whereas it is the poor who really need help.

The color black absorbs heat, whereas white reflects


Parrots, most famous of all talking birds, rarely learn a vocabulary of more than twenty words, whereas other less known birds learn up to 100.

One difference between frogs and toads is that frogs move about by jumping, whereas toads can actually walk.

To pass U.S. Army basic training, young female soldiers must do 17 push-ups in two minutes, whereas males must do 40.

Experts advise that to save money on your food bill, you should look down. Less costly items are often on bottom shelves at the supermarket, whereas more expensive ones are placed at eye level.

Alcohol thermometers can measure lower temperatures than mercury thermometers because mercury freezes at minus 38.8 degrees Celcius, whereas alcohol freezes at minus 115 degrees.

There is a Turkish proverb which states that a knife wound heals, whereas a wound caused by words does not.

There is a Zanzibar proverb which states that wealth diminishes with usage, whereas learning increases with use.

There is a Chinese proverb which states that a wise man makes his own decisions, whereas an ignorant man follows public opinion.

Malcolm De Chazal once suggested that a women knows how to keep quiet when she is in the right, whereas a man, when he is in the right, will keep on talking.

Economist John Kenneth Galbraith once commented that under capitalism man exploits man, whereas under communism it's just the opposite.

Someone once joked that dogs think you're family, whereas cats think you're staff.

John Ruskin once declared, "Whereas it has long been known and declared that the poor have no right to the property of the rich, I wish it also to be known and declared that the rich have no right to the property of the poor."

Peter Ustinov once remarked that courage is often lack of insight, whereas cowardice in many cases is based on good information.

whole - whisper - whisk - whiplash - whip - whereby - 

The word whereas sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the whereas, a sentence example for whereas, and how to make whereas in sample sentence, how do I use the word whereasin a sentence?spell whereas in a sentence? spelling of whereasw