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use "weak" in a sentence

He was sick, and felt too weak to even get out of bed.

The goaltender was having a bad day, and let in a couple of weak goals.

I have a weakness for chocolate. I eat the stuff almost every day.

She has really weak arms so she'll need help with her suitcases.


daughter has a weak stomach, and has actually vomitted at the sight of blood.

The little girl smiled weakly at her mother from her hospital bed.

If you feel weak or light-headed after giving blood, please tell the nurse.

My eyes are getting weaker, so I have to get

stronger glasses.

Your grandfather has a weak heart, so he can't play tag with you children.

It is not a sign of weakness to refuse to fight a bully.

The President is considered too weak to take decisive action against the terrorists.

Wolves will generally attack the

weak or old in a herd.

Bullies always pick on the weakest kids to push around.

This team's defense is strong, but its forwards are weak, so they rarely score.

She's an excellent manager, but if she has one weakness, it is that she is too nice to people sometimes.

The case against the accused is weak, so he'll probably get off.

My children like to drink weak tea with lots of milk and sugar in it.

The coffee in this country is so weak that it tastes like dishwater.

The mayor is seen by many as being weak in dealing with aggressive panhandlers in this city.

She has been seriously weakened by the illness.

He felt his resolve weakening as he listened to her arguments.

The buildings had been weakened during the earthquake, and had to be demolished.

He is too weak to ever quit smoking.

Researchers have found that negative events in our lives can actually weaken our immune system for a short time.

Karl Kraus once stated that a weak man has doubts before a decision; a strong man has them afterwards.

Jerry Rubin once stated that men, not women, are the weaker sex.

Joel Goodman once said that seven days without laughter makes one weak.

Football coach John Heisman once stated, "When you find your opponent's weak spot, hammer it."

A Danish proverb notes that a chain is as strong as its weakest link.

A Japanese proverb observes that only he who knows his own weaknesses can endure those of others.

weird - weed - weave - weary - weapon - wealth - 

The word weak sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the weak, a sentence example for weak, and how to make weak in sample sentence, how do I use the word weakin a sentence?spell weak in a sentence? spelling of weakw