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use "waste" in a sentence

One major pollution problem is that governments don't know what to do with the waste produced by nuclear power plants.

Dishwashers are very wasteful in terms of water and electricity. It's better to wash dishes by hand.

Don't waste your money on a CD player. Get yourself an MP3;

they're way better.

e. e. cummings once said that the most wasted of all days is one without laughter.

We waste so much paper in this house. Why can't everyone use both sides of their paper?

The safe disposal of nuclear waste is a major environmental challenge.

An old

proverb tells us "Waste not, want not."

Charles Darwin once said that a man who dares to waste an hour of life has not discovered the value of life.

Don't waste your time doing your homework; come to the pub with us!

Why do you waste gas driving to the corner store when

you could easily walk or bike there?

Don't waste my time; I'm very busy right now.

Alice Bloch once remarked that we say we waste time, but that is impossible. We waste ourselves.

McDonald's Corporation eliminated one million pounds of waste per year in the 1980s by making their drinking straws 20 percent lighter.

A leaking toilet can waste as much as 200 gallons of water a day without making a sound.

As the number of factories in Malaysia grows, the levels of pollution and waste increase.

In the mid 19th century, the waste for some 3 million Londoners was channelled into rivers that flowed into the Thames.

The industrial world produces 150 million tons of hazardous waste every year.

Charlie Chaplin once observed that a day without laughter is a day wasted.

The quality of our ground water can be seriously threatened by the burial of waste material.

Waste products are routinely labelled as agricultural, industrial or municipal.

Discussion question: What do you consider to be the most wasteful thing about this country?

weave - weary - weapon - wealth - weak - wave - 

The word waste sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the waste, a sentence example for waste, and how to make waste in sample sentence, how do I use the word wastein a sentence?spell waste in a sentence? spelling of wastew