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use "warn" in a sentence

The teacher warned him not to look at his neighbor's paper, or risk getting a zero on the test.

Karen warned me not to baby-sit my neighbors' kids because they're such little brats.

The government is considering making the warning labels on cigarette packages even


Analysts are warning that if inflation is not brought under control, thousands of jobs could be lost.

The doctor warned him that if he didn't lose weight, he risked having a major heart attack.

H. L. Mencken once said that our conscience is the inner voice which warns

us that someone may be looking.

Someone once said that it may be that one's whole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others.

The policeman only gave me a warning when he stopped me for speeding.

Cigarette packages in this country have health warnings to deter

people from smoking.

There is a Chilean proverb which states that he who is warned in time is saved.

To warn off other males, the orangutans of South-east Asia burp loudly to declare their territory.

Their music CDs often have a warning label attached because of the bad language in their songs.

Police have warned people to be careful because a bear has been seen in the area.

I hit the taxi after the driver changed lanes without warning.

The Martian Ambassador to Earth has warned that his government will not tolerate the continued destruction of the environment of his planet by our astronauts.

Before backing up your car, it is a good idea to give a warning tap on your horn if you can't see what is coming.

A message sent to the police has warned of a bomb being planted outside a busy department store in London today.

He warned him not to touch his girlfriend again or he would punch him.

Medical experts warn that the only effective method of controlling widespread HIV infection is to prevent risk-taking behavior.

Firemen were warning everyone to stay away from the burning building.

Police are warning people to be on the lookout for an escaped prisoner who is said to be armed and dangerous.

The pygmy people of Africa are said to be very shy, and if approached without warning may run off into the forest.

Students whose attendance falls below 80% will receive a warning letter.

Scientists warn that if humankind is going to have a future on this planet, we must reduce pollution.

In 2002, China warned Taiwan that a vote on independence would lead the island to "disaster".

Frank has been on time every day ever since his boss warned him not to be late again.

During World War Two, parrots were kept on the Eiffel Tower to warn of enemy aircraft.

Scientists warn that a thinning of the ozone layer could lead to a rise in skin cancer.

Any trucks which carry dangerous chemicals carry warning signs.

The doctor warned the patient not to do too much after the operation until his strength came back.

The lion roared to warn the hyenas to keep away.

Union leaders have warned the government that a strike is possible if negotiations fail.

There is a message on cigarette packages which warns that if a pregnant mother smokes, it can harm the baby.

Yellow diamond-shaped road signs warn of possible dangers ahead.

Every 90 minutes in the United States, a train crashes into a car, despite the warning systems.

She received a mysterious letter warning her to be careful.

He forgave his little brother for breaking his toy airplane, but warned him to be more careful the next time.

The accident at the nuclear power plant in Chernobyl was a warning of the dangers of this technology.

Someone put a sign up on a telephone pole on our street warning people that there is a dangerous dog on the loose.

The policeman just gave me a warning rather than a speeding ticket.

A recent report by the UN warns that 70% of the natural world will be destroyed over the next half century.

In May of 1980, U.S. nuclear forces twice went on red alert following a computer error warning of a Soviet attack.

Discussion question: Do you think health warnings on cigarette packaging are an effective way of discouraging teenagers from starting to smoke?

Discussion question: Cigarette packages in many countries have health warnings on them telling of the dangers of smoking. Should alcohol containers carry similar warnings?

weapon - wealth - weak - wave - waste - warrant - 

The word warn sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the warn, a sentence example for warn, and how to make warn in sample sentence, how do I use the word warnin a sentence?spell warn in a sentence? spelling of warnw