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use "vital" in a sentence

He was shot in the stomach, but luckily the bullet didn't hit any vital organs.

It is absolutely vital that our computer systems be upgraded.

It is vitally important that he take good care of himself if he doesn't want to fall ill again.

The victim was able to give the police

vital information about her attacker.

The port is of vital importance to American military interests.

Averil Coxhead has noted that feedback is a vital part of the language-learning cycle.

She wants to be an elementary school teacher, so it is vital that she enjoy being

with children.

Aaron Levenstein once remarked that statistics are like bikinis. What they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital.

It is vital that food supplies be brought to the area immediately or hundreds of thousands of people will die of starvation.

Access to cheap

oil is vital to this country's economic development.

It is vital that I speak to Mr. Sangha before he makes a decision in this matter.

Friendships are vital to good health.

The making of artworks is both a persistent and vital aspect of the experience of being human.

Availability of water is vital to all plant and animal life.

Schools play a vital role in orienting children to their society.

Education is vital to the cultural life of a society.

Shipbuilding is a vital part of the Greek economy, providing over 100,000 jobs.

In Indonesia, many things in nature are believed to contain a vital energy or life force.

Village festivals in Guatemala provide a vital function by bringing together family members.

The many ferries along the Congo River are a vital link in this region where roads are few and are frequently impassable.

Studies show that vital vitamins and minerals have dramatically declined in many fruits and vegetables today, due to modern farming methods.

The ozone layer is vital to life because it blocks dangerous radiation coming from the sun.

Proper nutrition and regular exercise are vitally important in maintaining a health body and mind.

A healthy diet will give you improved vitality.

Continuing to use your brain will help to maintain your intellectual vitality as you age.

The reforms introduced by the President have contributed a great deal to the current vitality of the economy.

volunteer - volume - volatile - vocal - vivid - vitamin - 

The word vital sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the vital, a sentence example for vital, and how to make vital in sample sentence, how do I use the word vitalin a sentence?spell vital in a sentence? spelling of vitalw