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use "violate" in a sentence

If you violate your parole, you will be immediately re-arrested.

Each side in the conflict accused the other of violating the ceasefire.

The U.S. has suspended all foreign aid to the country because of its history of human rights violations.

I think having the press try to

photograph the family of the victim during her funeral is a total violation of their privacy.

No trespassing - violators will be prosecuted.

Anyone found violating the company rules will be fired immediately.

Please be aware that you are in violation of your student

visa if you do not attend classes.

There is a Chinese proverb which states that to violate the law is the same crime in the Emperor as in the subject.

Microsoft Corp. has been accused of violating laws against forming a monopoly.

Herodotus wrote that in peace, sons bury fathers, but

war violates the order of nature, and fathers bury sons.

Lydia M. Child once stated that men never violate the laws of God without suffering the consequences, sooner or later.

International observers estimate that human rights violations claimed more than 3,100 lives during the rule of Augusto Pinochet in Chile.

At the beginning of World War Two, when Germany violated Switzerland's neutrality by sending war planes into Swiss airspace, the planes were immediately shot down.

In March of 1948, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that religious instruction in public schools violated the Constitution.

Websites which allow users to download music have been accused of violating copyright law.

Political prisoners in many countries are convicted in trials which violate internationally agreed standards.

Psychologists label behavior as abnormal if it violates accepted standards of society.

The vulnerability of children makes them frequent targets of human rights violations.

visible - virus - virtue - virtual - virgin - violence - 

The word violate sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the violate, a sentence example for violate, and how to make violate in sample sentence, how do I use the word violatein a sentence?spell violate in a sentence? spelling of violatew