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use "victory" in a sentence

The team celebrated their victory with beer and pizza at a local restaurant.

He was a member of the victorious soccer team that won the Gold Cup in 1999.

The Allied forces scored a major victory on D-Day, ultimately leading to the end of the war in Europe.

The left-wing

parties owe their victory in the election to the infighting which has divided the right.

The boxing match was very close, with both sides claiming victory.

The victorious troops celebrated in the streets of Paris.

His victory over the number two ranked player in the

tournament is sure to give him a lot of confidence going into his next match.

Georges Clemenceau once remarked that war is a series of catastrophes that results in a victory.

Chessmaster Savielly Grigorievitch once said of the game, "Victory goes to the player who makes the next-to-last


Trajan's Column was erected in Rome to honor his victories over his enemies.

There is a Chinese proverb which states that he who is sure of his victory will not start a war.

There is a German proverb which notes that on the day of victory, no fatigue is felt.

There is a Japanese proverb which states that we learn little from victory, but a great deal from defeat.

There is a Vietnamese proverb which notes that victory makes you into an emperor, and defeat into a rebel.

There is a Spanish proverb which holds that the greatest victory is a bloodless victory.

Bob Marley sang, "We Africans will fight, we find it necessary. And we know we shall win, as we are confident in the victory of good over evil."

In April of 1997, the Labor Party, with Tony Blair at its head, won a landslide victory in Britain's general election.

Britain won a decisive victory in the Falklands War when more than 11,000 Argentine troops on the islands surrendered on June 14, 1982.

On June 26, 1979, at the age of 37, boxer Muhammad Ali retired as champion with a professional record of 59 victories and three defeats.

Ralph Waldo Emerson once stated that men succeed when they realize that their failures are the preparation for their victories.

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The word victory sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the victory, a sentence example for victory, and how to make victory in sample sentence, how do I use the word victoryin a sentence?spell victory in a sentence? spelling of victoryw