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use "victim" in a sentence

The Red Cross is collecting money to help the victims of the earthquake in China.

The victim sat down and cried after the man hit her.

The victim was found lying in a pool of blood.

Many women who have been sexually assaulted say that they feel additionally victimized

by the process of reporting the crime, and then testifying as to their experience in court.

The victim was so scared that she was unable to answer the policeman's questions until hours after the attack.

Many old people are afraid of becoming victims of crime, but studies show the elderly

are actually the least likely members of society to be attacked or robbed.

Someone once said that Pontius Pilate was the first great censor, and Jesus Christ the first great victim of censorship.

There is a Cameroonian proverb which states that it is better to be the victim of injustice

than to be unjust yourself.

There is a Bambara proverb which suggests that the child who loves freedom is the first victim of it.

The first victim of the electric chair took eight minutes to die.

The electric eel's shocking power is so great that it can overtake its victims while 15 feet away.

In 1838, composer Franz Liszt performed several concerts to aid Danube flood victims in Hungary.

Studies have shown that only about 15 percent of victims survive after receiving CPR.

The Mongol conqueror Timur the Lame (1336-1405) left a record of his victories by erecting 30-foot-high pyramids made of the severed heads of his victims.

As a joke, Gerry generally referred to his students as his victims.

A traditional cure for certain illnesses in Sudan is to burn the victim with hot nails in order to drive out the illness.

Social scientists are trying to find out why only some people who suffer abuse grow up to victimize others.

Recent studies suggest that college-age women have a much greater chance of becoming a victim of sexual assault on days when they drink alcohol.

Discussion question: Should victims of a crime be permitted to have a say in the sentencing of the person who committed the crime?

Discussion question: Have you or anyone else you know ever been the victim of racial prejudice?

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The word victim sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the victim, a sentence example for victim, and how to make victim in sample sentence, how do I use the word victimin a sentence?spell victim in a sentence? spelling of victimw