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use "variety" in a sentence

There are students from a variety of countries currently studying English in our program.

This restaurant has a wonderful buffet with dishes from various countries.

I like listening to various kinds of music, but my favorite is rock.

The weather in Seattle seems to

vary from day to day, and sometimes even from hour to hour!

You need to eat a varied diet of fruit, vegetables and grains.

They offered a variety of Western and Eastern food at the final banquet.

He has applied for a variety of scholarships in the hopes of getting

enough money to return to school.

Aphra Behn once said that variety is the soul of pleasure.

As the old saying goes, variety is the spice of life.

There are more than 15,000 different varieties of rice.

Sunflower seeds in a bird feeder will attract the greatest

variety of wild birds.

There are approximately 13,000 identifiable varieties of roses throughout the world.

Temperature variations on Mercury are the most extreme in the solar system, ranging from 90 K to 700 K.

There is great variation in the number of sounds used in the world's languages; in any given language, the number of consonants range from 6 to 95, and the number of vowels range between 3 and 46.

The amount of rain we receive varies from year to year of course, but this year has been very dry.

In the course of conducting research, we can never know with absolute certainty whether we have achieved valid measurement of variables.

In the typical North American household, the husband's share of housework tasks is small and does not vary with his wife's labor-force status.

Research shows that religious commitment varies significantly between countries.

The diet of brown bears varies depending on what foods are available in that particular season or habitat.

Certain stars are considered variable, in that they change their brightness rapidly and periodically.

Rates of evolution vary enormously from one species to another.

Jason is not the best student; he is invariably late for class, and often forgets his homework.

H. Douglas Brown has noted that many variables are involved in the second language acquisition process.

The number of visitors to the museum varies from day to day. Some days the place is really packed, and other days it's dead slow.

The students were successful in varying degrees. Some did extremely well, while others barely passed.

The weather in Seattle at this time of year is extremely variable. One moment it is sunny, and five minutes later it is raining.

Variables such as age and religion must be considered when attempting to predict voting patterns in this country.

Global warming is being blamed for the unusual variance in rain patterns throughout the globe.

A variant of the SARS virus has recently appeared in China.

River systems are the major agents by which the Earth's surface is sculptured into a variety of landforms.

The water which falls on land can take a variety of different paths back to the ocean.

Find someone who eats a good variety of fruits and vegetables every day.

venue - venture - vein - veil - vehicle - vast - 

The word variety sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the variety, a sentence example for variety, and how to make variety in sample sentence, how do I use the word varietyin a sentence?spell variety in a sentence? spelling of varietyw