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use "urban" in a sentence

The raccoon is one animal which has adapted well to the urban environment.

Crime in the urban areas seems to have remained fairly stable these past few years.

People living in the urban areas of the country generally have more liberal views than those in the countryside.


city needs to invest more time and money in urban planning so that we don't lose any more of our beautiful old buildings downtown.

Japan has become a very urbanized country over the last one hundred years.

The urban centers of much of the developing world are being overrun by people

coming from the countryside to look for work.

Kids from urban areas don't really seem to know what to do with themselves when they are alone, unless they have a television or something to distract them.

The urban centers are becoming so overcrowded and polluted that a movement has started

in which more and more people are looking to move into the countryside.

Telecommuting may allow more people to work from less urbanized areas in the future.

Eighty percent of the people of Germany live in urban areas.

In the past, air pollution was generally considered to be an urban problem.

Only 16% of Bangladesh's population live in urban areas, compared to 86% in Australia.

Children are more expensive and less economically useful to parents in an urban society than in a rural one.

Research suggests that as urban ethnic youth become more sophisticated, they tend to value their ethnicity less.

The high tolerance urbanites have for non-conformity may actually encourage artistic deviance.

According to recent studies, deurbanization may now be gradually taking place in certain non-industrialized countries.

Zambia has the highest rate of urbanization in tropical Africa.

Throughout the world, urbanization has drawn people by the millions into desperate poverty.

The crowded urban environment is a source of stress for many of us.

Industrialization in Korea has proceeded in line with its urbanization.

Many problems are caused by the subtle modification of a river system as a result of urbanization.

Discussion question: What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a rural versus an urban area?

Find someone who has always lived in an urban environment.

vaccine - utter - utility - usual - urgent - urge - 

The word urban sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the urban, a sentence example for urban, and how to make urban in sample sentence, how do I use the word urbanin a sentence?spell urban in a sentence? spelling of urbanw