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use "tribe" in a sentence

Native tribes have lived on this island for over 4,000 years.

In 60 A.D., the Romans' were victorious in their battle against the tribes living in Britain at that time.

One of Genghis Khan's first important achievements was to unite the scattered tribes of Mongolia.

He has

been elected chief of his band and now leads the tribal council.

Spirit worship is the dominant belief of many of the hill tribe peoples of Laos.

Among the Danakil tribes of Ethiopia, when a male dies, his grave is marked with a stone for every man he had killed.

In the past,

when people lived in small, isolated tribes, each man had a first name only.

Certain kinds of ants raid the nests of other ant tribes, kill the queen, and kidnap many of the workers, which then become their slaves.

Fiestas are held in Peru to celebrate a religious event or to mark

tribal or national occasions.

The roots of the English language can be traced back to an ancient language spoken by tribes living in Asia and Europe.

Studies of so-called primitive tribes in South America have found they generally have a very sophisticated social system.

The primitive tribes of the area were quickly overpowered by the European armies.

In the year 43 A.D., the Romans conquered England, and suppressed the local Celtic tribes.

As the Roman Empire slowly declined, Germanic tribes overran Western Europe.

Among some American Indian tribes, it was customary to give newborn males temporary names; these names were changed later as the boys developed character, and showed courage in manhood.

Peter Minuit purchased Manhattan Island from the Manhattoe tribe for various objects worth about $24.

In 1876, warriors of the Sioux and Cheyenne tribes trapped and killed the entire army of General George Custer at the battle of Little Bighorn.

A South African proverb notes that when the elephant is killed, all the tribes gather together to eat of it.

Martin Luther King, Jr. once said that our loyalties must transcend our race, our tribe, our class, and our nation, and this means we must develop a world perspective.

trunk - troop - triumph - trim - trigger - tribute - 

The word tribe sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the tribe, a sentence example for tribe, and how to make tribe in sample sentence, how do I use the word tribein a sentence?spell tribe in a sentence? spelling of tribew