Getting fired from his job has completely transformed him; he went from being a very confident, outgoing person to being very nervous and reserved.
The transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly is one of the great wonders of nature.
Computer downloads are completely
transforming the music industry.
Your body transforms calories into energy.
The former guerrillas have been transformed into a police force in the region.
China has undergone an incredible economic transformation in the last 20 years.
Carl Jung once said that the
meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances; if there is any reaction, both are transformed.
Biology and environment interact to transform an infant into a functioning member of society.
The sun transforms five million tons of mass into energy every
The right color of paint combined with proper lighting could transform this room into a very cozy, comfortable space.
What happens in Afghanistan in the next few years could transform the balance of power in the entire region.
Getting remarried transformed her father from a cranky, sad old man into an active, optimistic guy that people can actually enjoy being with.
When fuel burns, it is transformed into energy.
The island of Puerto Rico has been transformed from a simple agricultural society into a modern, industrialized nation in the space of 40 years.
In 1984, the government in Algeria set in place a program to transform the nation's health sector from a curative system to a preventative system.
Some of the greatest transformations in the history of life on our planet have arisen as a result of migration.
Some scientists suggest that the entire enterprise of life can be viewed as simply a vehicle for the transformation of water.
The mass production of weapons in the early 1900s transformed the nature of war.
In all natural processes, energy is never created or destroyed, but is merely transformed from one form into another.