The accused murderer was found not guilty because the judge said that he was mentally ill, and therefore couldn't be held responsible for his actions.
Research has shown that bright yellow and bright blue are the most visible, and therefore safest, colors for cars.
The calendar in Thailand
is based on the Buddhist era, and is therefore 543 years ahead of the western calendar.
The young boy refused to obey the teacher. Therefore, he was sent home.
Alcohol can delay your reaction times; therefore, you should never drink and drive.
Eating is a requirement for
living; therefore, there must be mechanisms in the body and mind that make us hungry and interested in eating at regular intervals.
The mayor feels that skateboarders on the sidewalks may frighten the elderly, and should therefore be banned.
Stress can slow one's progress and
therefore must be minimized in order to allow for the full development of one's potential.
Ren- Descartes stated, "I think, therefore I am."
Momentum depends on mass; therefore because a heavy object has more mass than a light object, it has more momentum.
Coco Chanel observed that those who create are rare, whereas those who cannot are numerous. Therefore, the latter are stronger.
The Bhagavad-Gita states, "For that which is born, death is certain, and for the dead, birth is certain. Therefore grieve not over that which is unavoidable."
There is a Chinese proverb which states, "All people are your relatives; therefore, expect only trouble from them."
In China it is difficult to fight smoking because the tobacco industry is a national monopoly, and therefore the government has a vested interest in the industry.
She has little experience and has therefore found it difficult to get a job.
Napoleon once stated that nothing is more difficult, and therefore more precious, than to be able to decide.
Stinging insects are attracted to dark colors and flower prints; therefore, wear white or light colored clothing as a safety measure.
Shrimp is not considered kosher in the Jewish faith because shrimp eat garbage, and are therefore unclean.
A Danish proverb notes that a man has two ears and one mouth; he therefore should listen more than he talks.
A Yiddish proverb remarks, "God could not be everywhere and therefore He made mothers."