I'm working in a temporary position as a secretary for the Ministry of Finance.
He lost his memory temporarily after hitting his head while skating.
The ferries were temporarily shut down due to high winds this afternoon.
We need to hire some temporary office help
during this busy time.
The bike path is closed for a temporary period so that repairs can be made to the asphalt.
The garage gave me a car to use temporarily while mine is being repaired.
We are living with my parents temporarily while our house is being painted.
Gill once observed that success is always temporary.
Gandhi said that he was against violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary, whereas the evil it does is permanent.
The mountains and valleys of our planet are only temporary features; they are
constantly changing.
Talkshow host Phil Donahue once remarked that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
There is a Vietnamese proverb which says that life is a temporary stop, but death is the journey home.
Among some American Indian tribes, it was customary to give newborn males temporary names; these names were changed later as the boys developed character, and showed courage in manhood.
Income tax was first introduced in the U.S. during the American Civil War as a temporary revenue-raising measure.
Tooth pain may go away temporarily, but the problem will not go away until it is treated.
We are currently hiring people for a number of temporary positions.
Find someone who has worked in a temporary position.