His girlfriend's parents are Sikhs, so they got married in a Sikh temple.
They visited a number of Shinto temples when they went to Japan.
We saw a beautiful statue of the Buddha in a temple in Sri Lanka.
Felicita helped ease Victor's headache by massaging his temples
and his neck.
The young man fell unconscious after receiving a blow to the temple from another hockey player.
Sikhs the world over were outraged at the attack on the temple at Amritsar by the Indian army a number of years ago.
The parade lead to the Hindu temple in the center
of town.
There is a Chinese proverb which observes that the jail is closed day and night, and is always full, whereas temples are always open, and are still empty.
J. Krishnamurti once stated that religion is the frozen thought of men, out of which they build temples.
The first known
monumental temples were built in Mesopotamia around 4000 B.C.
There's a temple in Sri Lanka dedicated to a tooth of the Buddha.
In ancient Greece, where the mouse was sacred to Apollo, mice were sometimes eaten by temple priests.
On the stone temples of Madura in southern India, there are more than 30 million carved images of gods and goddesses.
Wat Benjamabophit is the last major temple to have been built in Bangkok.
The Great Temple at El-Karnak, built in Egypt more than 3,000 years ago, is larger than the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris.
The Greeks held Zeus, King of the Gods, in great honor, and they built many temples for him.
On Chinese New Year's Eve, people go to the temple to pray for their ancestors and for good fortune.
Discussion question: Talk about a temple you have visited. What did it look like; what religion was it; how were you expected to behave inside?
Find someone who has visited a religious temple.